Heaven was the first model I began working with. She and I started working together in October 2018, about two weeks before Kendra flew to LA.
Heaven is phenomenally beautiful. Her diverse background and petite, curvy physique is unmatched by any of our other talent.
We both have Swedish mothers, which I think helped us stay on the same page most of the time.
Heaven is the most artistically inclined of any of the worldwide beauties we regularly work with. I’m impressed by her ability to hustle for her art. She has some interesting friends from the art world.
Even though our journey since Fall 2018 was a bit rocky, Heaven and I always reconnect and have a good working relationship. We’ve both seen each other through serious ups and downs.
Heaven is mostly independent now, but we do reconnect here and there to shoot 35mm photos. There’s no one like Heaven. Her attitude is both tough and tender. Her look is curvy, yet tiny. I haven’t met too many people who aren’t blown away when they see Heaven.
Heaven puts a lot of thought into our shoots. She picked out a rustic, but luxurious house in Topanga to shoot in. I lived in Topanga from all of 2013 and the artsy vibe there is still strong. Our hosts were a Canadian entrepreneur and her German cinematographer husband. That location will always stand out to me as one of the coolest spots we ever shot at.
Heaven came up with the outdoor shower, rose petal bathtub, and urban cowboy aesthetics. I was impressed and it shows in the pics and vids we created that day.
One of my favorite stories happened early in 2020. I was out making the rounds at the usual art galleries my LA friends and I visit on weekends. While we were at Gabba Gallery, I spotted a portrait.
“That’s Heaven!” My cynical art friends were incredulous.
After talking to the artist and texting with Heaven, we confirmed it.
LA is a very small city, if you move in the right circles.
I’m grateful that after all we’ve been through, Heaven and I still text here and there and work together every few weeks.